5 Child Development areas to take care to make your kid a Genius


Introduction and importance of brain development

We all wish that our kids grow up as genius, isn't it?

The question is how can we do that?

I will show you the way. Stay tuned to my posts.

Before I go into the details you must know that how grownups build the way of doing things and acting in a certain way in a certain  situation. 

What role our brain development plays in our personality. 

Also time is ever changing & the world is becoming more and more competitive. 

As an adult we face many challenges in our ever day life. 

Some of which we are able to handle well while some other increases our stress level. 

The world has become so competitive that problem of depression, anxiety, sleeplessness is increasing and with this also increasing the cases of life style diseases like hypertension, diabetes and many other.

For you its very important to understand why this is happening and how we can prepare our kids to face the future world with ease & positivity so that what we are struggling with, they should not.

That is why parenting has become so much more important.

But you must also understand that parenting is not mere applying some techniques or following some patterns of handling kids. 

Parents  need to understand it from the perspective of brain development, as our personality is directly connected to it. 

And as an adult what we are today is also directly connected with our brain development & how we were handled as kids & the environment we were & are exposed to. 

It may sound little unfamiliar to you but as we get more understanding of the relation between connection of brain with our behavior & habits it will become more clear. 

As parents there are many things common which we expect out of our child.

Like developing good habits, child should be well mannered, should listen to us, should be good in studies and few more things. There is nothing wrong in having expectation. 

But one should know & understand how these things can be inculcated in kids. How our brain perceives things, retain them, habit is formed and so on. All these are part of brain development.

So the million dollar question is, what is brain development? And how if effects our personality & future?

Let me put it in very simple way.

Brain is made of neurons, the brain cells. These neurons make connection between themselves by way of interactions with our environment and the experiences we get from our environment. 

Be it good or bad brain do not understand it. It just makes new connections when a new experience occurs. 

And this connection becomes stronger and faster as the same experience is repeated over and over again.

 And a time comes when this cause & effect of this experience becomes part of our automatic response system. 

And after that whenever similar incident happens, our brain automatically responds as per the stored connection automatically without making conscious effort. 

One thing I must reiterate that the brain does not understand the good response or bad response, good behavior or bad behavior. 

It just reacts automatically as per the paired cause & effect connection stored in it. Brain development means formation of these connections. 

Though the process development of brain in children and adult are same there is a big difference in kids brain development & adults brain development. 

That difference is that at an early age number of new connections are less. The number of connections in grown ups are much more and stronger than kids.

While the good connections help us the bad connections affects us in many ways.

Like triggering of anxiety when we face challenging situation, laziness in doing things or attitude towards leaning new things and many more. 

Since these connections in grownups is much stronger it is very difficult to break bad connection and replace them with better ones. 

So the wiser thing is that we should start working on the desired connections at an early age so that when our kids grow up they grow up with maximum positive & good connections.

These good connections will make them progress in life, handle any difficult situation or cope up with changes & face new challenges with ease. 

Brain stimulation and conditioning is easier in kids as we can control and prepare environment as per need for kids. 

This is not possible for grown ups as they have to face the world which is not in their control. 

So it becomes far more important to understand how to build good and positive connections so that our kids develop good things and grow up to face the life in a better way.

Hope by now you are clear with how automatic response system make us behave in particular ways in particular situation. Also how brain connections are made.

Now very briefly let me put the areas you need to take care to make your toddler a genius and struggle less in raising your kid.

1. Habit formation

2. Cognitive development

3. Openness to new things

4. Expression of emotions

5. Impulse control

in my coming posts I will tell you about effective & simple ways to take care of all the areas. And applying these will keep your parenting life sorted.

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